Valuation Reports are made in observance of the International Valuation Standards (IVS), the Code of Ethics for
Professional Valuers and the framework model adopted by the National Association of Romanian Valuers (ANEVAR) and the Romanian Banking Association (ARB)
Real estate valuation, land, buildings, apartments, mansions, office buildings, commercial and industrial premises, harvest, forestry fund, mineral deposits, underground natural resources
Movable assets valuation – vehicles, cars, machines, tools, equipment, stocks, inventory items, furnishings, licences, patents, industrial designs, trademarks, websites, collections
Custom valuation reports of
movable and immovable property, according to their purpose and target audience:
Valuation of assets used to secure loans
Valuation for financial reporting/taxation purposes
Valuation for sale-purchase transactions
Valuation for mergers, share capital increase, divisions, indemnification
Valuation for wind-up proceedings
Valuation for sales in court liquidation and enforcement proceedings
Valuation for securing the instalment payment plan of budgetary liabilities
Valuation for determining the insurance coverage limit