Dimeco SRL is a company acting in the field of ironworks since 1997, addressing the foreign market in the ratio of 95%.
In the past years, our company’s activity has become more complex, requiring new and adequate organisational solutions. Implementing such organisational solutions would not have been possible without a dedicated and well-defined fiscal- accounting team.
The flexibility of our partners and their ability to understand our work methods in order to adapt – within the legal boundaries – the administrative-accounting system to the production needs and not the other way round has proved to be of great importance to us.
Since we first met, the two lady shareholders of A&I Consulting impressed us with their energy and determination, with the passion they invest in their activity. Fortunately, this passion transcends their every day activity.
We began our collaboration with A&I Consulting in the beginning of 2013, when we realized that we need someone with positive thinking and problem-solving orientated.
Within the last two years, our company’s activity has quite varied – with a diverse product typology and delivery methods, and the entire team supervised by Ioana, one of the two shareholders of the company, has always been the one coming with a solution to the problem, even in the most complicated situations.
When you have trucks waiting at the gate and an administrative problem occurs, you need availability and readiness in order to identify the optimal accounting or fiscal solutions. A&I Consulting is a reliable partner that knows how to react when necessary and to assume and defend their decisions before the Fiscal Administration.
Another important aspect of our collaboration with A&I Consulting is that we maintained the tax compliance and the accounting methods agreed by our company’s managerial team. A&I Consulting perfectly adjusted to our requirements and we haven’t encountered any problem with the accuracy of data or the delivery time of the requested information.
We decided to collaborate with A&I Consulting on the human resources part as well, since they have experts who permanently monitor law updates and easily and carefully manage personnel files.
There are many good accountants and fiscal consultants on the market, but A&I Consulting is the only one that offered us more. We found an open-minded, proactive partner, interested in our business development. A simple discussion with Ioana lead to the idea of accessing non-returnable funds and the speed with which she found partners and put us on the right track was amazing. Five months from that discussion and we have the project approved and we prepare to implement it.
In conclusion, we are more than happy with the choice we made! We strongly recommend the A&I Consulting team for their dedication and professionalism.